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SENSEI LEADER LIVE! Thu Jan 4––Noon ET on Facebook…Topic: Stuck in the Middle…

As promised, we're set to launch SENSEI LEADER LIVE!

Jim Bouchard tackles the tough questions and issues you face as a leader.

SLL runs about 30 minutes to fit nicely into to your lunch or coffee break. Join us for all or part, and join in the conversation by chatting on the Facebook live stream.

THIS EPISODE: Stuck in the Middle––How do you motivate the troops when the top brass is getting in the way?

Message from Jim:

This is one of the most often asked questions in our workshops. You're in some level of middle management. You've got a dedicated, motivated team––but someone from the top is a fly in the ointment.

What do you do when an upper level manager or exec is ruining morale, hosing down innovation or actually undermining your ability to lead your team?

That's what we'll talk about tomorrow.

On Demand Replay…

Now through Jan 10th…get your copy of THE SENSEI LEADER and save $10 off the cover price!

The best way to get ahead in life and achieve your goals is to become a leader––or become a better leader! And the best never stop improving! "This book is the best guide to becoming the leader you know you can be!"

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